
From Blood to Exosomes in a single step using a combination of Microfluidics
and Sound Waves: Automated, Integrated, Robust

The AcouSome solution

Exosomes are nano-sized vesicles released by different cell types, that can be found in the blood and other body fluids. They are intensely researched as carriers of biomarkers for a wide range of diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Investigating these tiny vesicles in blood is currently a tedious and inefficient process, and the lack of a feasible and standardized solution for separation of exosomes from blood has hindered exosome biomarker discovery, validation and translation of research in any blood-based diagnostics to-date. The goal of AcouSome project is to develop a miniaturized microfluidic module for exosome isolation directly from blood using ultrasound generated by thin films, to be used across wide research and next generation diagnostics applications.

Acousome Acoustic Wave



Using Ultrasound for Exosome Entrapment: Innovative technology for cells and particles separation based on acoustofluidics and enabled by a new generation of thin film transducers

Acousome check



Beyond Proof-of-Concept Technology: AcouSome originates from a EU FET project BioWings, building novel applications upon pre-validated technology capabilities

Acousome Integrated


Enabling and easy to integrate: Ready to integrate in AcouSort product pipeline, and into analytical and diagnostic instruments

For next generation diagnostics applications

AcouSome application

Schermata 2023-02-19 alle 22.07.38

Exosome Research and Biomarker discovery:

AcouSome solution will be integrated into a disposable microfluidic devices for blood exosome separation, that, in turn, can be used within a bench-top instrument, featuring an ideal solution for fundamental research on exosomes and early biomarker discovery.

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Non-invasive Diagnostics and Liquid Biopsy:

AcouSome exosome preparation technology provides sample quality and device formats compliant with the miniaturization, scalability and automation, landing themselves to easy integration with existing and emerging analytical solutions for noninvasive exosome-mediated diagnostics.

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Supporting novel and personalized treatments development :

Maturation of evidence for exosome biomarkers in a variety of high burden diseases, as well as enabling the technologies for full interrogation of exosome information content will support novel therapies both by more precise diagnostics and treatment monitoring, as well as through a discovery of novel exosome-associated therapeutic targets and effectors.


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